Block Captains

May 30, 2021

The Lakewood Civic League utilizes Block Captains to aid in distributing information to the neighborhood.

Current Block Captains:

Block Captain
Coburn Crescent Robert Warner
Emory Place Fleetwood Mitchell
Hadlock Ave. Rob McFarland
Harmott. Ave. (1300) Robert Warner
Harmott Ave. (1400) Steve Toth
Huntington Place Bob Craft
Lakewood Drive (5401-5537) Victoria Long
Lakewood Drive (5555 - 5645) Daniel Ross
Pamela Place Bob Standley
Shenandoah Ave. (5601-5650) Gayle McCombs
Shenandoah Ave. (5709 - 5743) Bob Standley
Miles End Bob Standley
Sweet Briar Ave. Jim Cahoon
Willow Wood Dr. (1305-1360) Steve Beshore
Willow Wood Dr. (1410 - 1476) Mike Beaulieu
Windsor Point Rd. Kathy Markey