May 30, 2021
By-Laws of the Lakewood Civic League
Article 1 - Name
The name of this organization shall be Lakewood Civic League
Article 2 - Object
The object of the Lakewood Civic League is to promote the principle of good fellowship among the residents and properties of the Lakewood section of the City of Norfolk; to unite for cooperation and interchange of ideas for the membership’s interest in this section of the city, to further the best interest of this section towards beautification, recreation, the safety of its residents and protection of their property investments
Article 3 - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this league shall be February first to January thirty-first.
Article 4 - Membership
Any adult resident or property owner of the Lakewood section shall be eligible for membership upon invitation from the Board of Directors and upon payment of annual dues, or prorated part thereof. Any former resident who resided in Lakewood ten years of longer may upon application be elected a non-resident member. Such member must pay dues but may not vote. In the matter of voting, only one vote shall be permitted to each dwelling house or building site. No member shall hold office until he has been a member for at least one year. Any person may be made an Honorary Member by unanimous vote of members present at any regular meeting of the League, provided a quorum is present.
Article 5 - Board of Directors
The direction of this League shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which the board shall consist of the officers, the chairmen of the standing committees, and the immediate past president of the League. Five members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
Article 6 - Officers and Duties
The officers of the League shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected for a two year term and then will progress to the next board position for possible re-election as provided in Article 10. The normal progression of officers shall be Secretary to Treasurer, Treasurer to Vice-President, and Vice-President to President. Each office shall be held for a period of two years, unless the nominating committee recommends differently.
Any officer or member of the Board of Directors who shall neglect to perform their duties by absence from three consecutive regular membership meetings shall be considered to have relinquished his/her office or chairmanship and the vacancy this created shall be immediately filled unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.
Article 7 - Committees
There shall be the following standing committees appointed by the Board and each shall consist of not less than three members:
Membership and Attendance Committee
The purpose of the Membership and Attendance Committee is to welcome new residents to Lakewood, encourage them to join the League, and to assist in the production of the Civic League Roster.
Entertainment and Programs Committee
The purpose of the Entertainment and Program Committee is to plan and execute the regularly scheduled meetings to include arranging the program and refreshments.
Safety and Welfare Committee
The Safety and Welfare Committee is comprised of the Block Captains and is responsible for providing information to residents on their assigned blocks as directed by the Board of Directors.
Welfare and Planning Committee
The purpose of the Welfare and Planning Committee is to preserve and enhance those attributes of the community that make it a premier neighborhood to live in and to attract future residents that will appreciate these attributes and will work toward their preservation.
The majority of committee members shall constitute a quorum.
The Board of Directors may appoint other committees as required.
Article 8 - Finances
The annual dues of this League shall be determined 60 days before the fiscal year by the board for all homes/dwellings or building sites, all will be notified by e-mail or flyer. Dues will be payable to the Treasurer, due annually upon receipt of bill thereof. Honorary members shall be required to pay for gatherings, but not annual dues. Honorary members will be determined by the Board. Dues shall be prorated at a rate of full payment before 1 August and 50% after 1 August for new houses/dwellings or building sites. The Treasurer shall receive and dispense the funds of this League upon the authorization of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer’s books shall be audited annually by a committee of three members; the chairman to be appointed by the President and the other two to be elected from the floor.
Article 9 - Meetings and Quorum
The annual meeting of the Lakewood Civic League shall be held on the third Sunday in October. Thereafter during the year, regular meetings shall be held during the following months: March, May, August and January, unless changed by the Board of Directors
Ten members in person, including two officers shall constitute a quorum at any regular meeting of the League.
Article 10 - Elections and Voting
The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three members before the October meeting. All three members shall be past Presidents of the League. The President shall designate one of the Nominating Committee members as chairman. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to recommend a slate of one or more names for each elective office before the October meeting. Previously elected officers must be re-nominated for the next office in the progression. See Article Six. Nominations may be made from the floor and elections held only at the meeting in October.
Installations of the Officers shall be made at the meeting in January.
Article 11 - Procedure
Roberts Rules of Order shall apply in all cases where said rules are not consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Lakewood Civic League.
Article 12 - Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the membership present in person at any regular meeting, provided the amendment(s) was presented in writing and read at the previous meeting and notice thereof in writing has been given to the membership by the Secretary.